We believe the Bible teaches that all Christians, in response to their commitment to God, should also commit to a local church. At our church, we express this commitment through “membership,” which grants us the privilege of meaningful involvement in one another’s lives for the sake of discipleship and gospel witness. We would love for you to join us.


  1. Newcomer Breakfast - This is an opportunity to learn who we are, what we believe, and why formal church membership matters. You’ll also have time to ask questions of one of our pastors and any other members present. Register for the Newcomer Breakfast here.
  2. Membership Application Form - This form provides our elders with information to guide you through the membership process and conduct your memership interview. Before your interview, please review our Statement of Faith and Church Covenant. Any questions can be addressed during the interview, where you’ll sign both documents if in agreement.
  3. Membership Interview - After receiving your application, we’ll schedule an interview with an elder. This hour-long meeting allows us to get to know you, hear your testimony, listen to your understanding of the gospel, and discuss how we can partner together for God’s glory and your (and our) good.
  4. Elder Recommendation - At a regular elders’ meeting, your application will be reviewed. Upon collective approval, it proceeds to the next step: congregational affirmation.
  5. Congregational Affirmation - During the next member meeting (held every other month), the elder who interviewed you will share parts of your testimony. The congregation may ask questions, and then a vote is taken. With majority approval, you are admitted into membership.
  6. Church Life - We believe every new member brings gifts that God has deemed necessary for our church. In this sense, membership is an act of God’s kindness to us. Once you join, we encourage you to engage in church life for your enrichment and the good of others. For guidance, speak with an elder or deacon.

A Note on Baptism and Membership - We believe believer’s baptism—publicly professing one’s faith—is a prerequisite for church membership. If you wish to pursue baptism or learn more about its role in the Christian life, please email us at staff@thechapel.church