As The Chapel Church, we purpose our hearts to glorify God through being His church as described in the Book of Acts; we seek to live our lives individually and corporately in the reality of Jesus as described throughout the Gospels; and we are committed to daily living out our lives practically as instructed in the Epistles.

As The Chapel Church, we take seriously the truth that without Jesus we can do nothing and that He is the Divine Physician who has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. We believe that He is the only one who can take broken and shattered lives, make them new, and keep them healthy. We seek to fulfill His purpose through the expositional preaching and teaching of the Bible to all peoples, followed by teaching those who come to faith how to observe the things which Jesus taught.

As The Chapel Church, our church leaders are called, commissioned, and wholeheartedly committed to equipping the members of the church body for the work of service to the Lord and the building up of the body of Christ. We accomplish this through the expositional teaching of the Bible which we believe to be the inerrant, infallible, and incorruptible living Word of God. We believe and put into practice the truth that God's Word is everything that is needed to instruct the church in righteousness and thereby complete them for every good work.

As The Chapel Church, we embrace the role of the Holy Spirit, who indwells every believer, by whom we are sealed and our salvation is guaranteed. We are fully dependent upon Him to guide us, teach us, and remind us of everything that Jesus has said. We seek to cooperate with Him, and not interfere, as He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

As The Chapel Church, having been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ and sealed by the Holy Spirit, we seek to live lives that genuinely reflect the glory of God.