Alex & Laura Lindsay - Klagenfurt, Austria

Alex and Laura first stepped out onto the mission field in February 2008. The Lindsay's passion for making disciples was a perfect fit for their role at the Calvary Chapel Austrian Retreat Center, where Alex had the spiritual oversight of the many young men and women who would come to the center for discipleship.

After officially entering the pastorate in 2012, Alex took over the spiritual oversight of a small Bible study group in the nearby city of Klagenfurt in May 2013. As the Lord confirmed their calling to the city, Alex and Laura took a step of faith and obedience and relocated to the city in order to better establish the church plant. Alex and Laura remain committed to the establishment of City Chapel Klagenfurt as a healthy biblical church, through which the gospel can be both proclaimed and displayed through healthy, vibrant church members.

Alex and Laura are blessed to have four children: Grace, Livia, Caleb and Emily.

Donations can be given within the sanctuary, by mail, or online. When you give online, you can use a credit card, debit card, or bank transfer. Bank transfers have the lowest fees.

Ways To Support The Chapel Church

Mission Trips

Foreign Workers